
Circe is an enchantress, known and respected for her knowledge of herbs. She is a gifted potion maker and has the ability to transform any problems or obstacles into animals.

Circe knows the darkness, she has traveled far into the shadows, deep into the black night. She also knows darkness is needed to see the stars. Some fear Circe as she usually appears in their darkest hour. But fear not, she is here to come to aid to those in the midst of their journey trough the underworld to protect them and lead them back into the light.

And as you rise from the ashes and step back into the light, she stays behind on her island in the land of gloom to give comfort and guidance for new lost souls that visit her. As a true Queen. A Queen of Darkness.




The Reader

The one who is passing the Snow Leopards Gate will enter the world of the ancient. A world of old wisdom and deep knowledge. One of poetry and myths and the greatest of saga’s ever told.

And there, far into the frosty lands, on top of a huddle of comfortably cuddled up snow leopards, stands a woman. She is reading. As her whispers softly travel with the cold winds and whirling show flakers, the animals are drawn to the enigmatic stories she tells. They pile up, higher and higher into the great divine.



Sister of Mercy

There is a place between time and space. Where dreams and reality dissolve into each other and turn into a parallel universe. In this universe lives a luminescent princess and her giraffe. She is the guardian of children. The happy children, the lonely children, the inner children living in adult bodies. All the children. And during the night, while she lays down beside them and gently touches their eyes, she softly sings lullabies and puts her giraffe into their arms to keep them company during their dream journeys.

She brings mercy. She brings you mercy. She is a Sister of Mercy.



The Great Escape

She needs no words as her heart speaks soft whispers of reassurance. She is sensitive and caring and a safe haven for those with a gentle soul.
Her pose is one of a victorious goddess, a warrior, a champion. And that is exactly what she is. She fiercely protects what is delicate and vulnerable. She gently leads her army of lovers. Het kindness is her greatest superpower and she carries us all.

She is, in fact, the world’s great escape.





The Tattooed Horse

Do you hear it? The music in the dark. Soft and sweet. Almost unnoticeable, but present nevertheless.

You are lying in your bed waiting for the sleep to come. Suddenly she appears. The old horse that gently goes round and round, gathering stories as she floats by. When the night fell she used to invite you and your furry pet to accompany her on her adventures. When you were a child you used to travel to the realm of dreams together, remember? After all these years she is inviting you, het old friend, to join her again. I know it is dark but don’t be afraid just take the leap. Let her take you to the infinity and beyond.





The Soft Parade

Gliding through the walls, comes a procession of gentle beings, effortlessly defying gravity. The dreamy girl is a portal through whom the stars fell down from heaven that transformed into the life she carries within her. Life that is slowly blooming into a true force of nature, life so worthwhile that is protected by this otherworldly Soft Parade.

This Soft Parade is here to accompany you along your way to make sure you arrive safely to the destination that was written in the stars for you.





There are tales hidden in this land. Whispers of the old waiting to unfold. Secrets that will be revealed to the souls who ascend the mysterious ladder. Those who climb it dissolve into an ocean of time and space. Only the brave dare to embark upon a journey to the stars.

And then, when you descend the ladder, after the mysteries were revealed to you: this field on a spring morning. The tall grass swaying gently while the ancient tree rustles its leaves in perfect harmony with the breeze. The soft sound of a bird, humming stories to the long ears of a mother hare.

Here, in this twilight world, where kangaroos appear in brilliant white and a magnificent whale gracefully glides through the sky, you come to realise: everything is exactly how it is supposed to be.